So, I feel somewhat lame. I have become obsessed with the acquisition of an American Girl Doll for Nia.
When I was young, I really wanted a Cabbage Patch Doll. It was the huge rage at the time. I felt so special when I got one for Christmas. It was a big deal. I feel like the American Girl Doll is that way for our girls.
Now I spend considerable time scouring eBay and Craig's List looking for an acceptable American Girl that I can feel good about without making the full dip in the wallet and shelling out for a brand new one.
By the way, I did buy Nia a cabbage patch doll a couple of years ago. She could care less about it. :) She has a doll similar to the American Girl Doll though and she absolutely loves it. She dresses her, takes her with us when we go places, and puts me on babysitting duty when she goes to school. Ahhh... the life of mom. If it's not watching the kids, it's watching their toys.
Ah-ha! Obsession and intensity, proof you are my daughter! Learn from my wisdom and experience... She doesn't care that it is not "genuine". Enjoy it while it lasts, soon enough she will want the name brand jeans and sneakers. Start saving now!
Now I feel kind of bad giving you a new obsession. At least it got your mind off of Edward...for a few weeks anyway. I can't wait for New Moon! =)
LOL, that's so funny, we got cabbage patch dolls for the girls and they were the same, didn't care AT ALL! I couldn't believe it! I still would pick them up just to smell that yummy baby butt powder smell. Ahhhh...
my advice- unless Nia is so utterly obsessed with getting a real American Girl doll that you're just sure you're going to scar her for life if you don't get her one - don't sweat it. If she's more than happy with the knockoff find her another knockoff - she'll be just has happy and your wallet will be too ;) That being said I totally get the wanting to get your kids "the" toy thing
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