In the recent movie "The Holiday," a wise older man told Kate Winslet that her problem was that she was not acting as the Leading Lady in her life. I've thought about that recently, partly as a result of the books I have been reading. The "Leading Lady" or "heroine" of each of these stories is someone who takes charge of their life.
I feel like sometimes I play the part of the Leading Lady, and then sometimes I don't. I play a background or supporting character. I would like to always be the Leading Lady but at the same time, maybe my expectations of a leading lady are off. The leading lady of my books are not the leading lady of my life.
So what is the Leading Lady in my context? I think first and foremost, someone who is actively engaged in life. Suffering from depression as I have, which of late has been more of a struggle than it had been over the previous six months, it has been really hard to be engaged/involved. It is a horrible feeling to feel that way.
Secondly, I think being the Leading Lady also means accepting and loving myself, despite my weaknesses.
Thirdly (if that is a word), they set out to do what they need to, to get what they want. I actually think I do a pretty good job at this. Obviously not perfect, but I think I am assertive enough that I am not afraid to speak up.
I want to be a Leading Lady.
I really like this analogy. I need to be the leading lady in my life. I'm always looking for the tall, dark and handsome prince to come rescue me from the tower. I need to tie some sheets together, climb down on my own, and get on with what I want out of life.
sorry to hear about the depression. It totally sucks. This past winter was the worst for me. It truly is hard to deal with, and the fact that it doesn't come with an easy solution doesn't help either. It's something I have to fight everyday...especially in the winter. I'm a summer person. Anyway, you strike me very much like a leading lady type of gal, so go and get what you want!
P.S. I'm totally torn about giving you the HP ending. I feel like I should let you be surprised. You might have to borrow a book, that way I won't feel guilty about spoiling it for you. :)
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