I had the following description of growing up from my son at 3:30am this morning...
When I grow up I'll be too big for this bed so I'll have to have a big bed like you and I'll sleep with my curtains open and I'll get dressed on Sunday all by myself and I'll put my pajamas on by myself and I'll play with really big trains but not pick my nose and I'll go on the school bus and I'll....
The whole "but not pick my nose" was thrown in there as if it was nothing but an absolute. It cracked me up. :)
My son is sick with a fever and decided that he wanted to sleep with my husband and I, which is unfortunate as we only have a queen size bed so fitting the three of us is not that easy. He then woke up around 3:15am and hasn't gone back to sleep, which means neither have I.
So cute - hope he gets feeling better quickly so you can both get some rest.
Don't forget to make him jello...if you don't you'll never hear the end of it;)
Bummer on the sleep issue, but who could ever complain about snuggling up with Justis Sherwood? He is a doll...and by the way, he forgot the one about marrying Avery. She is just certain about that one. =)
Ah, Andi that is too cute, I hope Justice is feeling better now and that you are all getting more sleep!
Nice Comment! I believe that Happiness depends upon ourselves.
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