Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Each night when I put my kids to bed, they each want to snuggle with me. I had an important revelation about this a couple of weeks ago...

Justis likes me to lay down with him and for the most part, we are just quiet. I snuggle him and give him kisses and caress his face. I tell him how he is my favorite buddy and we listen to his music playing. It only takes a minute of that snuggle and then he's ready to go to sleep.

After Justis, I go in to Nia's room. Nia wants to talk. She asks for stories or sometimes will tell me a story. Most of the stories are true - things about my childhood, her younger years, or something going on recently. For a while I was low on patience with her during this process because I was tired and just wanted to quietly hold her, like I do with Justis. After all, it is bed time, not time to talk.

Then, it dawned on me. Justis needs the physical "snuggle" while Nia needs an "intellectual" (or emotional) snuggle. When I realized this, I also realized that Nia and I are very similar in this way. Before I can truly enjoy a physical snuggle, I need an intellectual or emotional snuggle - a connection on a different level. After I have that kind of snuggle then I can enjoy a physical snuggle.

Since this realization, I have had considerably more patience with the process because I feel like I am better able to provide for my children the connection they need. We all want to have a connection but our connections come in different forms. Connections or "Snuggles" are a critical part of a relationship, but recognizing the type of snuggle the recipient needs is key.

What kind of snuggle are you?


Anonymous said...

your kids are so sweet!!! jensen won't really let me snuggle him lately, sometimes i can, but i can't wait until he is a little older and i can snuggle him like you do with justis. so sweet!

Esther Ogden said...

Andi, that was darling! It is great that you can be so in tune with your kids. Each of my kids are different as well. What kind of a snuggle am I? I definitely have to have some kind of security and emotional snuggle first...then watch out! =)

Beverly Jensen said...

I thought about this a lot and finally decided... a physical snuggle doesn't mean much without the emotional connection. But, whenever there is an emotional connection a physical snuggle is just natural. So...I choose both!

Angel Brockbank said...

I choose both too, but the emotional has to go first. Sometimes Brad gets so frustrated when it's bedtime because I just talk and talk and talk and he just wants to go to sleep and snuggle :)