Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday Favorites

Ok, I know that I have done this one already, but how could I not do it today? Today has been a "Avoid thinking about Breaking Dawn coming out and my obsessive need to know that Bella chooses Edward and Jacob imprints with someone else" day. That's right. At the start of my business call, I couldn't help but mention it to someone else while we were waiting for the others.

If you haven't guessed, my Friday Favorites today is the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer. If you haven't read it yet, WHY NOT?!!! Honestly, I have not met anyone that has read it that didn't absolutely love it!

I am also happy to say that I am going to the pre-release party at Barnes and Noble tonight. The only bummer is that I won't be able to stay until midnight to actually purchase the book! I have, however, arranged with a friend to do the deed for me. I am trying to determine if I can get it from her before 6am tomorrow morning. :)

My thanks go to my friend, Autumn, who suggested that I tape the last 3/4 of the book closed so I can't cheat. Honestly, I think I am going to have to implement that suggestion. :)

So that is my Friday Favorites for today. Happy reading to one and all. :)



Jenn said...

Andi, I have read the Twilight series and loved it too! And I can't wait for Bella to figure out how much she loves Jacob!!! :D

I probably shouldn't have said that because you won't be able to read the rest of this in the midst of your blind fury. ;) But, I pre-ordered the book on Amazon and I'm going to wait for it to come in the mail before I read it. How's THAT for serious restraint? I just hope with everything crossed that someone doesn't spill the beans to me before I have a chance to read it!!!

Jenn said...

Okay, I had to come back and confess. I ended up buying the book and canceling my order on Amazon. :D I just didn't want to stand in a line all night to get a copy, and I figured they'd all be gone if I moseyed into the store whenever I decided to go the next day. But there were still some left, so I got one. I'm not THAT patient! :D

J. said...

Death to the DOG! 'nuff said.

Janell said...

I love these series too, and have been waiting forver for breaking dawn to come out. I pre-ordered on Amazon and it came Monday so I had to wait an extra few days, but it was worth it!!!!