Like many others, I have been nursing sick kids. My son has had a fever all weekend. When I put him to bed last night, I could not get him to go to the bathroom beforehand. Even though he's not quite three, he's never had an accident in bed (he's potty trained) so I felt ok about not forcing the issue.
At 2:30am this morning (it's now 4am), I woke up to him calling me.
Justis: "Mommy?" (brief pause) "Mommy?" (another brief pause) "Mommy?"
Me: (rousing from my sleep and then clumsily stumbling to his room) "What, bud?"
Justis: "I need go bathroom."
Me: "Ok." (pick him up, notice that his body is feverish again, and carry him to the bathroom)
(Go through bathroom routine.)
Justis: (as we are putting on his pants) "Mommy? I need drink."
Me: "Ok." Thank goodness for bathroom dixie cups.
(Justis takes a big drink, than I carry him back to bed, tuck him in, and say good night again.)
10 minutes later - I've not quite fallen back to sleep yet.
Justis: "Mommy?" (brief pause) "Mommy?"
Me: (risk waking Jason up by responding from the convenience of my bed) "What?"
Justis: "Mommy? I need drink."
Me: (reasonable request from a child that has a 101.6 fever) "Ok."
(Get another dixie cup because he had crushed the other one, and take it to him.)
Justis: "Thanks, Mom." (at least he's polite)
(tuck him back in bed - again)
5 minutes later - I'm in bed again but not asleep yet
Justis: "Mommy? I need drink."
repeat full process again 2 more times
about 45 minutes after the process began - this time, I'm a bit smarter...
Justis: "Mommy? Can I get up now?"
Me: "No, bud. It's still sleepy time."
Justis: "I want to get down."
Me: "How about Mommy sleeps with you?"
Justis: (excited) "Ok." Pats the spot next to the wall... "This is your spot, Mommy. I have train bed." (one of the best things we ever bought - train bedding)
Me: (climb into bed, situate bedding, a lay down hoping my throbbing headache will go away - I reach over and hold one of his feverish hands)
5 minutes later...
Justis: "Mommy? I need drink."
Mommy: (get up, fill dixie cup all the way up, come back and hand to Justis)
Justis: (took only a little drink) "Here Mommy. Pour water out."
Mommy: "No. I'll just put this over here in case you need more." (That's me - outsmarting the 2 year old)
We now go through half an hour of trying to go to sleep but obviously, he's not really sleepy anymore. He finally decides that he wants me to hold him. I sit up and hold him, but after 30 seconds, he decides he wants me to stand up and hold him. The problem? The boy weighs almost 40 pounds and it is now almost 4am.
So... here I am at 4:25, completely awake and unable to go sleep, downstairs with my son on the couch watching Dora on On Demand Comcast. Thank goodness for On Demand.
Today's going to be great. :)