Friday, February 29, 2008

Friday Favorites

My Friday Favorites for today is a new website (and products) that a friend recently introduced me to. The company is called Mom Agenda and they have some great organizational products specifically designed for moms. Everything is super cute and designed really well too.

One of their products is a weekly calendar with space for up to four children in addition to space for Mom. That way, you can put all of the kids' schedules and your schedule on the same sheet. The other thing that I really like about it is that it has a heavy duty magnet so you can stick it up on the fridge. Here is a picture:

They also have some note pads for various purposes... To Do List (one of my personal favorites), Grocery List, Permission Slips, Babysitter, Info, and I can't remember what else (that may be it).

The other thing that I got is the "Kitchen Folio." This is really great. It is designed to help you organize your junk drawer in the kitchen and be a type of one-stop-shop for all of your important information - phone numbers, medical info, school info, and extra space for things like coupons, class lists, etc. My husband opened up our junk drawer to look for something and was amazed. :)


Angel Brockbank said...

Hmmmm.... I like it! I'll have to check it out! Good find, I'm impressed. Glad you liked the song :) I thought your comment was odd earlier, I'm like... uh, I didn't but, you're welcome? ehehe. Don't mention it, anything I can do to help you feel better about my blog :)

Melissa said...

I noticed that weekly calender on your fridge last night and thought it looked really cool - meant to ask where you got it - now I know :) thanks! :)

Julie said...

Hey Andi,
If you just send me your email address then I would love to send you the HTML w/ the sidebar stuff fixed!