Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Adventures in Idaho

Adventure # 1: Going to Sleep

As I have mentioned before, my son is very persistent. On this trip, he has decided that the only place he can and will sleep is on the couch. Now, let me broaden this perspective for you... His choices were: In the bed with the two other girls, on the floor in the girls' room, in one of the boy's beds, or on the floor in the boys' room. I had chosen to sleep on the couch. The living room has a beautiful couch set: Sofa, loveseat, and oversized chair. Very nice, very comfy. I decided I would sleep on the couch so I wouldn't wake up the kids and vice versa. Well, the first night we were here, there was a big drama over where Nia and Justis would sleep - Justis wanted to sleep wherever Nia and Avery (their cousin) slept, but Nia did not want to sleep with Justis in the bed. She opted to sleep on the floor, so naturally, so did Justis. Since Justis was going to sleep on the floor, she wanted to sleep on the bed... I'm sure you can see they cycle beginning.

Sooo... after a while, Nia decided to sleep on the loveseat because I was going to sleep on the larger sofa. Justis then decided he wanted to sleep on the couch, so Nia decided to go back to the bed. I helped Nia get back in the bed and in that time, Justis decided that he wanted the big couch. When I came back, my persistent son would take nothing else than the large sofa. Nevermind that I am 5'3" something and he is 3'4" something and that the Loveseat is, well, a loveseat. Not made for someone over 4' to stretch out on. After a royal battle with his persistenciness, I finally gave in so I could simply sleep, along with everyone else in the household that was subject to his screaming.

Sooo... for the past three nights, Justis has slept on the large couch and I, the mom, have slept on the loveseat. :)

Good thing they are comfortable. :)



J. said...

Would it be appropriate for me to note here that while you are 5'3" and I am 6'2" you still have an amazing talent of taking up most of our bed?

Maybe not.

Melissa said...

if i wasn't laughing hard enough during your post I'm sure laughing harder now that I read that last comment ;) I hope that despite the cramped quarters your are getting enough sleep to enjoy your trip! :)

Chelsea said...

Motherhood is sacrifice; sometimes willing, sometimes not so much. By the way, Jeremy and I have the same dilemma with whether personal size should determine the amount of bed space you are entitled to. I vote no; each is entitled to his/her half, regardless of how large/small you are!