Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday Favorites

For Friday Favorites, I want to highlight an outstanding miniseries that has been on HBO: "John Adams."

If you enjoy history, this miniseries is for you. It is amazingly directed and acted by everyone involved. It is very high quality it could have gone to the theater. Probably the only reason it didn't is because it is so long. (I believe there are seven episodes of an hour each.)

It has been so interesting and inspiring to see the struggles, both internal and external, that the founding fathers went through to obtain Independence. Not only does this highlight the founding fathers, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and many others, but it also gives a great portrayal of what the women and the people in general had to sacrifice. I watched part of episode 3 last night and John Adams' wife said that she had spent at least half their marriage separated from her husband because of his responsibilities. I can't imagine how that would be and the toll that would take on a marriage.

The miniseries is specifically about John Adams but all of the others play significant roles as well, making it very well rounded. Honestly, I had no idea about how much John Adams played a role in obtaining freedom for our nation.

This is available for purchase on Amazon and other websites. It would be a great gift for someone that loves history. If you have HBO, they are playing them all the time. Even better, if you have Comcast with On Demand, you can watch the episodes at your leisure. I believe they are available there until May 18th.

Click on this link to go to the site and click on the View Trailer link. I just watched the trailer again and got goose bumps from it again. :) It is that good and it is my Friday Favorite. :)




Melissa said...

I've been hearing so many great things about this miniseries. I'll have to check it out on demand :)

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Heather Justesen said...

Andi, you make me wish I had HBO. lol

I tagged you on my blog, stop by for details.